Diet Tips To Follow For Better Bowel Movements

Diet Tips To Follow For Better Bowel Movements

One of the most common digestive problems faced by individuals, constipation is characterized by a difficulty in passing stools and fewer than three bowel movements in a week. It affects more than 2.5 million Americans and is likelier to affect people aged 65 or older, those confined to bed, pregnant women, children, those with poor diets, and very little physical exercise. Occasional cases of the condition are seen quite frequently but go away on their own within a few days. Chronic constipation, however, is more severe and can lead to discomfort in everyday life. Symptoms and causes of constipation Having lumpy or hard stools, a sustained feeling of something stuck in the rectum, the need for external intervention to help move the stool, and fewer than three bowel movements in a week are symptoms of chronic constipation. An unhealthy diet is the biggest cause of the condition. Certain foods and adequate water help make the stool soft, thus easing its removal through the colon. Low-fiber diets and dehydration, on the other hand, result in hard and dry stools that get stuck in the colon. Additionally, travel or other changes in nature, certain medications such as high calcium antacids, diseases like diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and hormonal problems can also result in constipation.
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Effective Dietary Tips For Congestive Heart Failure

Effective Dietary Tips For Congestive Heart Failure

A chronic progressive condition, congestive heart failure causes the heart muscles to weaken, affecting their pumping capacity. Congestive heart failure is also known as heart failure and refers to the stage of fluid buildup around the heart. This causes the heart to pump inefficiently, making it unable to pump sufficient blood to the body. Over time, fluids and blood fill up the other organs of the body like the liver, abdomen, lungs, and the lower body. Although the condition is life-threatening, it can be managed with medications and treatments, and a well-balanced and healthy diet can also be helpful. Here are a few essential diet tips for people with congestive heart failure. Lower sodium intake Often, a low-sodium diet is recommended as high levels of sodium are detrimental to heart health. Eating foods with high sodium levels can cause the body to retain more fluids, and increased fluid build-up increases blood pressure as well. This adds to the strain on the heart and worsens the symptoms of heart failure. So, based on the type of heart failure, the daily sodium intake will be limited to about 2,000 mg/day. To meet this dietary requirement, one can use herbs, citrus juices, and spices instead of salt to season meals.
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Atrial Fibrillation – Foods To Eat And Avoid

Atrial Fibrillation – Foods To Eat And Avoid

Atrial fibrillation is the medical term for what doctors refer to as irregular heartbeat. The main function of the heart is to pump blood to ensure that the oxygenated blood is circulated throughout the body. An irregular heartbeat can mess up with blood circulation and lead to complications including a stroke and frequent blood clots. Also commonly referred to as a-fib, this condition predominantly affects the upper two chambers of the heart that pump blood to the lower ventricles. Treatment is mostly recommended for people who develop persistent symptoms. Thus, a few crucial lifestyle and dietary changes can reduce the risk of developing atrial fibrillation. Given below is a list of foods to avoid for those with atrial fibrillation: Salt A salty diet increases the chances of one suffering from high blood pressure, which in itself is one of the primary triggers of atrial fibrillation. Note that the body naturally maintains a delicate balance of sodium in the bloodstream and excess salt disrupts this delicate balance putting more than necessary pressure on the blood vessels. A prolonged risk of high blood pressure increases the odds of atrial fibrillation significantly. So, it’s time to put some serious restrictions on one’s salt intake.
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Foods To Eat And Avoid For Preventing And Managing Nasal Polyps

Foods To Eat And Avoid For Preventing And Managing Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are a benign form of cancerous or tumorous growth along the lining of the sinuses. This growth results in blockage, affecting airflow, resulting in breathing problems. Chronic inflammation is a known trigger that may lead to the development of nasal polyps. Also, there are several allergens found in the environment and foods that can result in frequent flare-ups. Avoiding exposure to these allergens is an effective way to counter the said discomforts. However, making a few dietary changes can also ease the inflammation and may very well prevent the formation of nasal polyps. Here are the foods to eat and avoid. The foods to incorporate are as follows: Foods with capsaicin Capsaicin helps relieve inflammation and opens up nasal passages from the inside to stimulate better breathing and de-clog congestion. Capsaicin is the primary element in cayenne pepper and is one of the best natural food elements that helps overcome sinus infections. You can make a red cayenne pepper tea and have it a couple of times in the day. Alternatively, you can purchase capsaicin topical supplements or nasal spray to tackle the congestion from the outside. Use the spray as per your doctor’s instructions only. Foods that fight free radicals Most of these polyp growths are caused due to the increasing level of free radicals in the body.
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5 Healthy Eating Habits To Manage Pulmonary Hypertension

5 Healthy Eating Habits To Manage Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure that affects the blood vessels in the lungs and heart. Pulmonary hypertension cannot be cured, but doctors usually prescribe treatments like medication and surgery to manage the symptoms. Along with that, making some changes to dietary habits is effective in managing the condition. Doctors say that one can manage the disease better if they steer clear of foods and dietary habits that can elevate blood pressure or increase weight and aggravate the symptoms. So, let’s look at a few dietary habits that can help manage pulmonary hypertension and improve a patient’s quality of life. Controlling salt and sodium intake The heart is already working harder to pump blood to the lungs through narrowed arteries if an individual has pulmonary hypertension. And excess salt consumption causes the body to retain fluid, further pressurizing the heart to pump blood throughout the body. This can gradually lead to swelling in the legs and abdomen and increase shortness of breath. Reducing the amount of salt in the diet is the best treatment method to combat this symptom of pulmonary hypertension. Also, it’s important to understand that sodium and salt are not exactly the same thing, which means a low-salt diet is not necessarily low in sodium.
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Foods To Eat And Avoid While Having Incontinence

Foods To Eat And Avoid While Having Incontinence

Nearly 15% of men suffer from male incontinence. Although commonly observed in men above 60 years, male incontinence can occur between 15 and 64 years as well. One of the most common causes is prostate removal due to cancer treatment. Damaged and weak bladder muscles, nerve damage, and overactive muscles of the bladder can also cause unintentional loss of urine in men, leading to incontinence. By modifying one’s diet, it is quite easy to alleviate the symptoms of male incontinence. Although there is no specific diet for incontinence, it becomes easier to manage by eating more of certain foods and avoiding others. What to eat to ease male incontinence? Having a healthy diet is always good for overall well-being. It is often the first line of defense against any ailment, including male incontinence. Certain foods fortify the urinary and bladder system, thus, helping in the better management of incontinence symptoms. Nuts One of the most nutritious foods, nuts are highly beneficial for overall health. Pistachios, brazil nuts, almonds, pecans, and others are packed with antioxidants. Moreover, nuts like brazil nuts contain selenium, while pistachios are highly effective in lowering cholesterol levels. Moreover, almonds have been known to assist in weight loss.
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Switching To A Plant-based Diet – Here Are Some Things You Need To Know

Switching To A Plant-based Diet – Here Are Some Things You Need To Know

A cumulative guide to health and nutrition while following a plant-based diet When it comes to improving one’s health, there are umpteen ways to do it. You could begin exercising, giving up habits like smoking and consuming alcohol, and even switching your diet. Of all of these, changing one’s diet is the most powerful and effective way to improve one’s health and boost one’s immunity. With that being said, where should you start if you want to change your diet? How do you choose which diet to switch to? Well, there is only one answer to all of these questions — a plant-based diet. So, if you do not know where to start, we’ve got your back! What is a plant-based diet? A plant-based diet is one where the foods that are consumed come only from plants. These include fruits, nuts, and whole foods. Anything that comes from animals, including dairy products and meat, is eliminated. Also, the foods are minimally processed. There are five main elements to a plant-based diet: Whole-grains Whole grains include millet, quinoa, barley, and wheat. Any other form of starch, such as cereals and other grains, is A-okay for a plant-based diet. Legumes Legumes include pretty much all beans, such as pulses and lentils.
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11 Foods That Trigger Urinary Continence In Women

11 Foods That Trigger Urinary Continence In Women

Urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine due to loss of control on the bladder. Mostly, women are affected by this condition. It is estimated that out of at least 25 million people suffering from urinary incontinence, 75 – 80% are women. The reason women are more prone to this condition is because they have a smaller urethra compared to that of men. Apart from this, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause affect the bladder muscles indirectly. Apart from seeking medical intervention, lifestyle changes such as diet changes play a major role in managing urinary incontinence in women. Here are some foods that should be avoided to better manage the symptoms of urinary incontinence or bladder leakage in women. Caffeine Caffeine is one of the most primary triggers for women’s bladder leakage. Coffee, tea, energy drinks, carbonated drinks, and even chocolates have a diuretic effect, which means they promote urination. It also affects the bladder by increasing the detrusor muscle excitability and pressure, thereby adding to the urge to urinate. Detrusor muscles, present in the bladder, contribute to the bladder strength. It has been observed that increasing caffeine intake per day increases urinary incontinence, and the severity of bladder leakage increases with age.
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