Healthy Food Choices That Can Control Excessive Sweating
Sweating the usual amount every day is no cause for alarm. It is just the body’s natural response to heat, rigorous exercise, or even stress. Sweat glands in the skin secrete this liquid from within to help maintain body temperature. However, excessive sweating is caused by certain eating and lifestyle habits, you must try to understand the trigger associated with the symptom. Foods that cause excessive sweating Apart from weather and external elements, changes in food habits including consuming foods that directly trigger excessive sweating must be taken into consideration. Some of the major foods and beverages that trigger sweating are Spicy foods Avoid eating spicy foods to prevent excessive sweating. Studies show that spices tend to excite and aggravate the receptors that recognize the food and its function. It also triggers sweating as an automatic response to the body’s rising temperature owing to the signals sent by the spice receptors to the brain. Spicy foods also increase metabolism, and the body has to work twice as hard to maintain equilibrium. Coffee Your morning, post-lunch, or even late-night cup of Joe is one of the common reasons for sweating. Caffeine is an active stimulant that directly affects the central nervous system.
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