Diet And Nutrition For COPD Patients

Diet And Nutrition For COPD Patients

Diet and nutrition for COPD patients Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a term used for several progressive lung diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory asthma. COPD cannot be cured, but with the right treatment, you can control and manage it to enable yourself to lead a good life. If you are a COPD patient, it is necessary to eat healthy to keep your immunity strong and fight the symptoms. Eating right is the key to boost your energy, but you may add some comfort food to your diet if you are losing a lot of weight. Those who want to maintain or control their weight can also eat smaller portions of the nutrient-packed food. Coping with fatigue while eating If you feel fatigued while eating or have trouble breathing as you get too full, you can eat smaller quantities more often. So, you can have 4-6 small meals filled with nutrition through the day and cut out the three large meals. This will help you get the required energy from your diet while keeping the symptoms at bay. You are also advised to relax and rest before beginning your meal. Energetic breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you ought to ensure that it contains at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber.
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7 Foods To Avoid If You Have Ulcerative Colitis

7 Foods To Avoid If You Have Ulcerative Colitis

7 foods to avoid if you have ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can cause chronic inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the digestive tract. The disease affects the surface of the colon and rectum, which make up for part of the large intestine. Its prevalence in the country is more than you may think with at least 40 to 250 in every 100,000 people suffering from ulcerative colitis. Bloody diarrhea, rectal pain and bleeding, and urgency of defecation are a sign of ulcerative colitis. Children might suffer from the same symptoms in addition to fatigue, fever, and inhibited growth. One of the methods to manage the condition, dietary changes are recommended to get relief from ulcerative colitis symptoms. A fiber-rich diet full of whole grains takes a longer time to digest and can worsen the symptoms of colitis. Doctors recommend excluding these foods from your daily diet to provide relief from the condition: Brown rice and whole-grain starches Whole-grain foods such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and wild rice contain a fibrous endosperm (present at the tip of the grain). This endosperm can irritate the bowel and result in pain due to abdominal inflammation.
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Treating Different Types Of Dog Allergies

Treating Different Types Of Dog Allergies

Treating different types of dog allergies Just like humans, our furry best friends are prone to allergies. Unlike humans who can communicate their uneasiness and symptoms, you will have to depend on your pet’s behavior and physical symptoms to understand the signs of an allergic reaction. Just like in humans, an allergy in dogs is a state of hypersensitivity of the immune system to allergens like proteins in food. What are some of the symptoms you should look out for in your pet? The most common symptom of an allergy would be itchy skin. For some allergies, it could involve coughing, sneezing, wheezing, vomiting, or diarrhea. Ensure that you visit a vet as soon as you see these symptoms. Along with the medications, here are some natural remedies that will help your dog feel better without the risk of any side effects: Food allergy remedies: Coconut oil Coconut oil has lauric acid, which helps in inhibiting yeast production in your dog, and the good fats in coconut oil are also great for your dog’s health. When incorporated in the daily diet, it increases nutrient absorption, helps with colitis and inflammatory bowel syndrome, and reduces bad breath. It is important to introduce this ingredient slowly so as to make your dog’s system get used to the change.
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Asthma – How To Fight It’s Symptoms With These Superfoods

Asthma – How To Fight It’s Symptoms With These Superfoods

The airways become narrower when they are inflamed, which can cause a respiratory disease called asthma. It is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases affecting both children and adults. While there are no specific factors that cause asthma, it is often linked to occupational, environmental, and genetic factors. It is challenging to treat asthma as the flare-ups of respiratory diseases are unpredictable. However, there are ways to temporarily treat the symptoms and control the condition’s flare-ups. A person suffering from asthma may produce excess mucus, experience constant wheezing, and have trouble breathing. The affected person may also experience tightness in the chest. Superfoods that can help relieve the symptoms of asthma: Honey Honey is known to treat the symptoms of asthma as it gets rid of the phlegm in the throat, thereby clearing the passage and helping the affected person breathe better. Mix a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water and drink it at least three times a day. It also prevents and treats gingivitis. Honey also reduces cholesterol levels by digesting the pre-accumulated fats. For better results, mix three tablespoons of honey, half a tablespoon of cinnamon, and one tablespoon of lemon juice into some warm water for an energizing shot.
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Foods To Eat And To Avoid When You Have A Stuffy Nose

Foods To Eat And To Avoid When You Have A Stuffy Nose

Nasal congestion is quite common, with a stuffy or runny nose being early symptoms. It is often accompanied by a throbbing headache, and can also lead to a sore throat as a side-effect. The condition mostly occurs due to allergies that cause the nasal tissues to be inflamed. Sometimes, sinus pressure also causes nasal congestion, leading to a stuffy or runny nose. The symptoms can be easily relieved with home-based remedies that moisten the nasal passages and lower inflammation of nasal membranes. Usually, humidifiers, nasal saline sprays, and steam showers ease the symptoms of this problem. Additionally, eating certain foods can help in decongestion of the nasal canals, while certain other foods worsen it. Here are the dietary dos and don’ts to follow by one suffering from nasal congestion. Foods that help to stop nasal congestion Certain foods have anti-inflammatory properties and eating them can help in providing relief to inflamed sinuses. Garlic: When crushed or chopped, garlic releases the enzyme called allicin. This enzyme is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Adding it to soups, salads, dressing, or any meal prep can help in giving relief from nasal congestion. Garlic is thus one of the most effective decongestants you will find in your kitchen.
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Essential Diet Tips To Manage Multiple Sclerosis

Essential Diet Tips To Manage Multiple Sclerosis

For many with multiple sclerosis, diet does not seem to be the obvious thing to manage their symptoms. Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system. The body’s immune system begins to attack the central nervous system. A person will start experiencing symptoms such as tingling, weakness, and pain. There might be mood swings, trembling, and fatigue. These symptoms may flare or relapse. To manage these symptoms better, a person needs to undergo therapy and medication along with exercise and a healthy diet. Eating certain foods may alleviate the symptoms. Also, avoiding certain foods may help in avoiding triggers that cause symptom flare-ups. Foods that will help Foods rich in antioxidants, biotin, probiotics, and vitamin D can help strengthen the immune system. This can help in avoiding flare ups and alleviating some of the discomfort associated with MS. Foods rich in probiotics Gut health is extremely important for those with progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis. The gut contains bacteria that break down food and help with digestion. A good gut health is therefore essential since it also gives a boost to the immune system. Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut contain beneficial bacteria. These strengthen the immune system, which helps to alleviate the symptoms of MS.
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Down With Cold And Flu – Make These Dietary Changes

Down With Cold And Flu – Make These Dietary Changes

When a person has a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and/or throbbing headaches, the symptoms can point towards a cold or the flu. These symptoms can also overlap. So, unless a doctor runs a diagnostic test, it is hard to determine what the person is suffering from. More often than not, flu is worse than the common cold and can lead to complications like pneumonia. Both are caused by viruses and are highly contagious. If a person is down with cold and flu, it is important to eat a healthy diet to accelerate the process of recovery. Some studies suggest that the following foods may reduce the symptoms of cold and flu: Chamomile tea Chamomile is known to have antibacterial properties and is also commonly regarded as a sleep inducer. The symptoms of cold and flu can make a patient restless and uncomfortable, which can affect their sleep. Lack of sleep can mess up one’s immunity, which can be counterproductive when they’re down with cold and flu. So, a cup of hot chamomile tea can help the body relax and provide a good night’s sleep, consequently helping the body to fight the virus. Turmeric Turmeric contains curcumin, a natural and potent anti-inflammatory compound.
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How To Plan A Migraine Friendly Diet

How To Plan A Migraine Friendly Diet

Migraines are not just headaches. They are a neurological condition that can trigger severe sensitivity to light and sound, often accompanied by nausea. The distress can be of varying severity and often a result of hormonal changes and changes in one’s diet. Genetics also plays a big role in a person developing an uncontrollable headache as the condition runs in the family and is passed down through the gene pool. One can manage these headaches with certain over the counter medications, or by making changes in diet and lifestyle. But before we can understand what works best, here is what you must know about the triggers. Foods and beverages that trigger migraines Alcohol Alcohol is one of the most common triggers of migraine. In fact, the hangover one experiences the very next day after drinking heavily is the result of the alcohol interacting with blood vessels in the brain. Substances like tyramine, histamine, tannin, and sulfites trigger inflammation and neurotransmitter activity that causes a migraine headache. Red wine, beer, white wine, and all types of liquor can result in an induced immediate or delayed migraine headache. Caffeine withdrawal Coffee helps many people get through the day. While some people may experience a headache due to the consumption of coffee while others experience moderate to severe migraines during caffeine withdrawal.
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